Anthony Manna
Where is the Fairfield Police Department located?
The Police Department is located at 230 Fairfield Road, at the corner of Fairfield Road and Hollywood Avenue. Exit Route 46 at Hollywood Ave and travel South to Fairfield Road. Easy access also available from I-80 West Exit 52 or I-80 East Exit 47B. Travel to Route 46 and then follow as above. For further information call (973) 227-1400.
For specific directions go to Google Maps.
What phone number do I call to reach the Police Department and Muncipal offices?
General Business973-227-1400
Chief's Office973-276-3501
Police Administration973-276-3501
Investigations Division973-227-9290
Records Bureau973-276-3511 M-F from 8-4 (with the exception of major holidays).
Municipal Court/Violations973-882-2713
Township Offices973-882-2700
How do I obtain copies of police reports?
Police Reports are available at the Records Division, inside the Police Building, Monday- Friday from 8am-4pm. The Records Division is closed on all Federal and State holidays. Please call (973) 276-3511 to be sure that your report is available prior to making your trip. There is a cost for all reports according to the type of report and its length. Ask the Records Division clerk when you call.
Does the Police Department offer fingerprinting services?
The police department is limited on the reasons they can fingerprint individuals (other than criminals) for licensing or background investigations.
The department can fingerprint individuals who are applicants for the Fairfield Fire Department, West Essex First Aid Squad, and for out-of-state individuals applying for certain licenses.
All other individuals in need of fingerprinting services for such things as firearms applications, raffle licenses, ABC licensing and any other times when an individual needs fingerprinting services under provisions of a local ordinance, must make an appointment with INDENTIGO. Locations can be found by searching the Internet. Next available appointments are based on times and availability.
How do I pay or access my traffic ticket online?
You can visit NJMCdirect to securely access your traffic ticket information online.
I receive calls from solicitors requesting donations for various police related associations. Are these legitimate ? Should I donate to these solicitors?
The Fairfield Police Department does not solicit over the telephone. The Police Department is a part of the West Essex PBA Local #81. The only solicitation done from the Police Department or PBA Local 81 is through the mail, usually once annually. Calls from all other "law enforcement" organizations are done by telemarketing firms. These solicitations DO NOT benefit the Fairfield Police Department or PBA Local 81 in any way. These telemarketers are not Police Officers and use high pressure tactics to get you to participate. Several of them will say their solicitations benefit Essex County Police Agencies.
We urge you to use extreme caution should you decide to contribute to these agencies. The only organization making money from this solicitations is the telemarketing firm. If you decide to contribute to any of these organizations, always ask for the name, address and telephone number so that you may call back after careful consideration. Most of them will not give out this information. You may also ask for financial statements and/or budget information prior to making your decision. If you have any questions, please direct them to the Police Department at (973) 227-1400.
Can I leave my vehicle parked in the street overnight?
Parking in the roadway is prohibited from 2am-6am, except Sundays. If for some reason you need to leave a vehicle in the roadway overnight, you must call Police Headquarters prior to 2 am and request permission. Permission will only be granted if there is no way to park a vehicle in your driveway or parking lot.
Who do I call to report problems with neighbors regarding property and/or zoning disputes?
Any civil disputes of this nature should be referred to the Zoning or Engineering Departments (973) 882-2700. The Police Department does not get involved in these types of civil matters.
Does the Police Department concentrate on certain roadways where speeding vehicles are a problem?
The Police Department's Traffic Division handles these complaints and problem areas. Police units are assigned to enforcement details in areas where traffic problems have been determined to exist. If you have a specific complaint, please refer it to the Traffic Division.
Are the use of headlights required when it is raining?
Yes. If you are using your wipers to clear precipitation from your windshield, you must have your headlights on.
False Burglar Alarm Ordinance
(Fairfield's Ord. 96-09). Ordinance 96-09 changes the fine structure for false alarms.
Fines are as follows:
Fines for false alarms now begin after the 2nd false alarm during a calendar year.
3rd False Alarm $ 50.00
4th & 5th False Alarm $ 150.00 (minimum) - $250.00 (maximum)
6th & Subsequent Alarms $ 250.00 (minimum) - $1,000.00 (maximum)
Residents and businesses MUST register all burglar alarm systems with the Police Department. Applications are available Mon-Fri from 8am-4pm through the Chief's Office (973-276-3501).