Fairfield (NJ) As summer is ending so is the Fairfield Police trading card collection program that was sponsored by the police department. The program, which began in earnest in June, encouraged the children of Fairfield to approach their community’s police officers and to ask them for their trading card. These trading cards werefunded by the Fairfield Municipal Alliance Committee. The first 20 people to present an entire set of cards to the police department were each to win a $100 prize. The winning individual, all from Fairfield, are as follows:
• Dylan O’Rourke
• Jesse O’Rourke
• Grace O’Rourke
• Rachel Valenzano
• Eliana Penkowski
• Alexander Penkowski
• Matteo Totaram
• Elaina Totaram
• Angelo Cifelli
• Joseph Cifelli
• Christian Cifelli
• Marlie Ivers
• Lily Foord
• Alexander Foord
• Matthew Kyriacou
• Tino Pelusio
• Dominic Pelusio
• Clement Yang
• Alina Yang
• Amelie Baisre-Cruz
• Alexa Baisre-Cruz
• Matthew Vasselli
Due to the success of the program and how quickly the department reached the first 20 winners, in order for the program to continue throughout the summer, the department announced that one more winner would be drawn randomly from among the names of those who showed completed sets of cards. This winner, also from Fairfield, was:
• Viviana Picarelli
On Tuesday September 12, 2023, each winner received a $100 bill from Fairfield Police Foundation President Fred Castrovinci and Vice President John Seragusa on behalf of the Fairfield Police Foundation. While there is no longer a prize available for collecting the whole set, children and adults are still encouraged to approach Fairfield officers, when they are not engaged in a law enforcement action, and to ask them for their trading card.
“The interest that this program generated both inside our department and among some of our youngest citizens, and even some of our older ones, has helped to enhance our continued outreach to our community. A majority of our citizens now know the names and faces of those who are charged with their protection. That is a great thing for any town to have.” said Chief Anthony G. Manna.
Authorized by: Chief Anthony Manna
